Wednesday, February 20, 2013

That Song...

Have you ever heard a song on the radio that instantly brings you to tears? Something about the music or the lyrics just speak to you and you think to yourself, "this is exactly where I am right now". I have that moment...ALOT. One was just the other day in the car on my way home from work. Considering my heart for orphan advocacy and my upcoming trip to China, it only took a couple of lines of this song to make those tears start flowing! I will be adding this to my itunes real soon so I can listen to it over, and over, and over again!

Oh how I pray Reagan and I will bring home our own little King(s) and Queen(s) one day!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Part of me still can't believe I am writing this post, while the other part of me knew this (or something like it) was right around the corner.

I am completely overjoyed to share with you all that in just a few short weeks I will be travelling to CHINA! If you have been following my posts, you know that God has placed an overwhelming burden on my heart for the plight of the orphan in the past months and years. I have been praying that an opportunity would arise for me to GO and DO something, and a few weeks ago God answered that prayer in a BIG way!

Thanks to a dear friend, I was introduced to an orphan-care ministry called (un)adopted. I will be traveling with a handful of others with this ministry to conduct special needs assessments on children in 3 orphanages in south China. It is our goal through these assessments to provide valuable information to future forever-families as well as equip the nannies in the orphanage on how to better care for these children while they reside there.

I am sooo excited to be given this opportunity to "visit the their affliction" (James 1:27). I know it will be hard at times: travelling to a new country, leaving my family for a week, and seeing the brokenness that I know I will encounter there. But, I also know that this is my calling in life, and I pray so many others will be blessed by the work we do in China.

One thing I will ask of all of you is to please PRAY for our team and the children/nannies that we will be working with. Without prayer, our trip will be in vain. Here are some things you can specifically pray for:

-team unity-I do not know anyone personally on my team, but I hear they are all AWESOME! And I am super excited to meet everyone and learn from them.
-safe travel- for our international flights as well as while we are in country
-the children- that they will feel special and loved, and that they will be matched with forever families SOON!
-the nannies- that they will be open to our suggestions and that they will encounter Christ.

Thank you all in advance for your prayers. I cannot wait to return and share about all God is doing in China with you!